What is a Licensed Conveyancer?
Licensed conveyancers are specialist property lawyers. They can deal with all the legal, administrative, and financial requirements involved in buying or selling property or re-mortgaging a property already owned.
What services does a licensed conveyancer provide?
Anyone buying, selling, or re-mortgaging a property can carry out their own conveyancing. However, in practice it is not a good idea. Not only is the process very time consuming, but the potential to miss critical information, which either causes a delay to the transaction or creates financial and legal problems, is high. It is also usually a condition of a mortgage that the transaction is carried out by a property lawyer.
There are two types of professionals that can be instructed to deal with conveyancing matters: licensed conveyancers and solicitors.
A licensed conveyancer may act on behalf of the seller or the purchaser, and in certain circumstances, for both in the same transaction.